Then I jumped on a train to Montreal, picked up Diane, and we headed even further east, to PEI. Of course, we had to visit ‘Green Gables’ and see the red sandy roads. Like many cycling adventures, though, the best things were not the landmarks but the people – like the family who saw that we were going to camp in the rain and convinced us (it wasn’t that hard!) to come and stay the night with them in their beautiful, historic summer home.
From PEI, we jumped on a little ferry and visited the Iles de la Madelaine, small islands north of PEI that are part of Quebec. The winds there rivaled those of Patagonia, but the people were warm and friendly and the microbrewed beer, homemade cheese and smoked fish delicious. We even got to see the fish being smoked, hanging from the rafters in an old building, with small piles of burning ashes