Leaving Nelson's parents' house in Prince Rupert. Who looks dorkier? |
The 7 hour ferry ride over to the islands |
We turned onto this aptly named road and suddenly all of the hustle and bustle of the mainland just melted away... |
Heading to our first night's campsite right on the beach |
You know those sleeps that are so long and restful that you wake up a little groggy? |
Eating candied wild salmon made on the island. Yum. |
Head north to Masset, take a right to get to Tow Hill and you've reached the end of the road. |
Except that you can keep biking along the beach at low tide for another 10km! |
Shipwreck on the beach. |
Hiking at Tow Hill We had good weather until this point in our trip then started to see some rain. And some of the weird creatures that came out in the rain! |
Biking back through Masset |
Auds helping set up camp |
Totem pole at the museum in Skidegate |
We ate dinner while waiting for the ferry to leave, and watched two young Haida carvers working on a new totem pole that will be raised in August. For more information see:
Audrey asleep on the night ferry back to Rupert. Phew, all that biking was hard work! |