Okay, it doesn’t really, but these words did come out of my mouth our first day there when - contrary to my expectations of a charming romantic little island city with winding streets and lone gondoliers paddling serene canals – it was jam packed with tourists (who probably expected the same and were cursing my presence as well) sweating profusely as we all jostled our way through narrow streets and paid $10 for a coffee just to be able to sit down for half an hour.
Our next two days were great, though! We saw the popular sites early in the morning or late at night when Venice is indeed very romantic and charming.
We spent most of our daytime at the Biennale – an enormous showing of some of the best contemporary art from countries around the world.
Some of it was very interactive.
The Biennale alternates every second year between art and architecture and Nelson was a bit sad we weren’t here for the architecture year, so we vowed to come back some day for it (hopefully when he’s showing in it, and we can afford a gondola ride – over $100 for less than an hour, but very posh!).
People are incredibly fashionable in Europe, with much of the clothing being fairly impractical. Flip flop boots would be perfect for hot weather fashion though!
Pasta shop. The one in the middle top is chocolate noodles.
Nelson in his new Italian silk tie. We've coined a new term, which is "Euro hot". Him in a pink silk tie is a prime example.

Detail on the palace

Bikes at the train station. It's cool that so many people cycle commute but some may have been left a little too long!

Sunrise over Venice from our campsite.
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