In 2007, I took a year or so "off" and set sail for distant lands. Here is this little luddite's attempt to keep my family and friends up to speed with those adventures and the ones that have come after...
GOOD JOB MAMA!! I'd love to hear about your birthing adventure. Let me know when you'll be up for a visitor or 3 :)
Welcome to the world Audrey - you picked a wonderful set of parents to guide you. You are such a cute little munchkin. I want to kiss you soft cheeks and smell your babyness!! I think that you are going to dig Grace and that you'll have many fun adventures in the near future.
She is a beautiful little girl, I am so glad to be able to see your pictures and show them to Mom. Congratulations again from Mom and I. The next year is going to be amazing, they learn so fast. Enjoy her....lots of love Pat Huget and Momma Helen
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Twain
So BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations Lynda.
Congratulations! Amazing, Awesome, Wonderful, Perfect.... Enjoy!
All the best with Love & Hugs, Randy & Marilyn
love love love LOVE LOVE love LOOOOOOVVVEE!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks for posting, and for bringing life to this world in so many ways!
Congratulations guys. She's awesome! Another girl to join the posse. Looking forward to meeting her.
What fun! She's like a squishy, tiny version of Nelson! Enjoy!
GOOD JOB MAMA!! I'd love to hear about your birthing adventure. Let me know when you'll be up for a visitor or 3 :)
Welcome to the world Audrey - you picked a wonderful set of parents to guide you. You are such a cute little munchkin. I want to kiss you soft cheeks and smell your babyness!! I think that you are going to dig Grace and that you'll have many fun adventures in the near future.
She is a beautiful little girl, I am so glad to be able to see your pictures and show them to Mom. Congratulations again from Mom and I. The next year is going to be amazing, they learn so fast. Enjoy her....lots of love Pat Huget and Momma Helen
Congratulations to both of you on your lovely new baby! Hope you are all doing well, and that you are getting some sleep.
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